Transport and Port Updates – May 2023

Overall Freight demand has remained lower and more consistent over the past month. Figures are showing a six straight month of declines in container import volume. Major shippers have also indicated that supply chains are starting to stabilize.   Regionally U.S. East Coast – Import: East Coast port congestion has eased. U.S. & Canada West…

Takeaways from the CBP Trade Facilitation and Cargo Security Summit

The U.S. Customs and Border Protection 2023 Trade Facilitation and Cargo Security (TFCS) Summit was held in Boston April 17th – 19th.   There were over 1300 attendees including importers, exporters, Customs brokers, and freight forwarders. Nicole Hess, Vice President of Brokerage, and Margaret Lange, Director of Compliance attended the summit. Speakers included members of multiple government…