New Antidumping Investigation for Imports of Aluminum Extrusions from 15 Countries

Importers of aluminum extrusions could be subject to increased costs due to a new antidumping (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigation. In response to a petition from U.S. domestic producers, the Department of Commerce, International Trade Administration (ITA), initiated an AD/CVD investigation of aluminum extrusions from 15 countries including China, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India,…

Navigating the Storm: The Current State of Container Shipping

The Global Shipping Landscape The global container shipping industry, once the backbone of international trade, is currently facing a series of unprecedented challenges. From the ebbs and flows of peak seasons to the fluctuating spot rates, carriers are navigating through choppy waters. This article delves deep into the current state of affairs, drawing insights from…

Trade Developments: Government Shutdown Averted and Generalized System of Preferences (GSP)

The U.S. international trade landscape is currently undergoing significant discussions and potential reforms. Two major events have recently been in the spotlight: concerns surrounding cargo clearance in the event of a government shutdown, which fortunately did not materialize, and the ongoing discussions surrounding the renewal of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). Cargo Clearance: Preparedness…

Transport and Port Updates – October 2023

Overall Demand, especially in US container imports has been consistent in line with pre-COVID peak season patterns. The consensus among ocean carriers and ports is that volumes will increase as holiday goods are shipped. This is expected to provide some support to spot rates through early fall. As of September 28, Drewry’s World Container Index…

Canada Introduces New Process for Imports

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) is spearheading a transformative initiative known as the CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project, a multi-year digital endeavor set to revolutionize the way duties and taxes are collected on commercial goods imported into Canada. This project is a significant step towards modernizing and streamlining the accounting processes associated…