Transport and Port Updates – September 2023

Overall Demand, especially in US container imports has risen in line with pre-COVID peak season patterns. The consensus among ocean carriers and ports is that there will be a moderate increase in volumes as holiday goods are shipped. This is expected to provide some support to spot rates through early fall. As of September 7,…

Transport and Port Updates – August 2023

Overall Freight demand has increase slightly over the past month. The consensus among ocean carriers and ports is that there will be a moderate increase in peak-season volumes as holiday goods are shipped. This is expected to provide some support to spot rates through summer and early fall. As of July 27, Drewry’s composite World…

What Would Net Zero Shipping Look Like?

The global shipping industry has long been a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for nearly 3% of the world’s total emissions, and equivalent to roughly one billion tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. At a recent UN summit, countries took a significant step towards addressing this issue by committing to achieve net-zero shipping emissions…

Results from China Tariff Review Expected in Fall

After over five years of enduring Section 301 tariffs on a vast array of imports from China, importers may finally see some relief in the coming months. Initially set to expire in the summer of 2022, the tariffs’ continuation was requested by numerous entities, leading the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) to initiate…

Transport and Port Updates – July 2023

Overall Freight demand has remained lower and consistent over the past month. The consensus among ocean carriers and ports is that there will be a moderate increase in peak-season volumes as holiday goods are shipped. This is expected to provide some support to spot rates through summer and early fall. However, hopes of a significant…

U.S. Announces Major Resolution on Key Trade Issues with India

In June, the United States Trade Representative (USTR) made an important announcement regarding the resolution of ongoing disputes between the United States and India at the World Trade Organization (WTO). The agreement signifies a positive step forward in the bilateral trade relationship between the two nations. However, while the disputes have been terminated, India’s hopes…

Increasing Mexico Exports Spark Surge in U.S. Nearshoring Trend

The global supply chain landscape has been undergoing a significant transformation, with companies seeking ways to bring their operations closer to the U.S. economy. This shift, known as nearshoring, has proven to be highly beneficial for Mexico, positioning the country as a key beneficiary of this strategic realignment. Let’s delve into Mexico’s growing prominence as…

Electrifying Trucks: How Long Will the Incentives Last?

As the transition to electric trucks gains momentum, many fleets are taking advantage of generous incentives offered by states such as California to offset the high costs associated with electric vehicles. It’s important to understand that these incentives are not indefinite, and as regulations go into effect, they will gradually phase out. This lesser-known downside…

Transport and Port Updates – June 2023

Overall Freight demand has remained lower and consistent over the past month. The consensus among ocean carriers and ports is that there will be a moderate increase in peak-season volumes as holiday goods are shipped. This is expected to provide some support to spot rates through summer and early fall. However, hopes of a significant…