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Since 1907, we have been committed to providing unprecedented customer service through automation and building relationships. We have grown from our humble beginning in Milwaukee to an international presence today, with established partner offices around the world, providing personalized service to manage all your transportation needs safely and effectively.

M.E. Dey & Co. offers a full range of logistics services. Through our robust global network and long-established reputation, we have the resources necessary to support shipping requirements around the world. You can manage your Freight Forwarding and Customs Brokerage needs in one place with M.E. Dey & Co. Whether you are shipping from a small town in Wisconsin or moving goods within foreign destinations, we can offer value-added service for all aspects of international trade.

From 1907 to today: A lasting legacy.

Hover over each milestone to learn more

Mae Elizabeth Dey becomes the 5th female licensed customs broker in the U.S., founding M.E. Dey & Co. Her pioneering spirit set the foundation for a century of success.


After Mae's passing, her nephew Rolland Gardenier takes over, steering the company through the Great Depression and WWII. His leadership ensured the survival and resilience of the business.


World trade resumes after WWII, revitalizing M.E. Dey and the Port of Milwaukee. The company begins to flourish again, building strong partnerships and expanding its client base.


Richard Gardenier joins the firm, later becoming the 3rd generation leader of M.E. Dey. His tenure marked a period of growth and modernization.


Opening of the St. Lawrence Seaway boosts business with increased international shipping. This milestone expanded M.E. Dey's reach, connecting Milwaukee to global markets.


Richard expands services to include export forwarding and embraces air freight and containerization. The "Dey Way" of exceptional customer service was established during this era.


M.E. Dey introduces its first computer system, becoming the first Milwaukee customs broker to automate operations. This technological leap improved efficiency and set new industry standards.


M.E. Dey expanded its presence into Chicago to better manage booming intermodal cargo.


Transition to the 4th generation leadership with Rob Gardenier as President and Sandi as Executive VP, expanding the business internationally.


M.E. Dey opens its third office in Long Beach to manage the growing volume of freight from Asia. This strategic move enhanced their capacity to handle international shipments efficiently.


Sandi Siegel becomes President, continuing the legacy of a female-led organization.



M.E. Dey simplifies the shipping process by expertly handling all aspects of logistics, from documentation to customs clearance.